Weymouth Harbour Weymouth Harbour Weymouth Harbour Weymouth Harbour Weymouth Harbour Weymouth Harbour Weymouth Harbour

Weather & tides

Weymouth Harbour has it's own weather station providing live data from the harbour entrance which can be viewed by clicking the image below:

Weather Harbour Live Weather Data

As well as the all important local weather information, here are just a few links to external weather resources which you may find of use. 

Link Notes
National Tidal & Sea Level Facility Real time tidal information
Portland Tide Tables Portland Tide Tables © Crown Copyright and/or database rights. Reproduced by permission of the Controller of Her Majesty’s Stationery Office and the UK Hydrographic Office (www.GOV.uk/UKHO).
Tide Times Tide times search
Meteo Consult Forecast Accurate hourly forecast for our particular location which highlights any damaging or adverse weather events
Brest Peninsular Marine Forecast Good Clear Forecast for this area of Northern France
French Marine Forecast Great Animated Weather Charts covering Northern Europe and the UK. You will be subject to pop-ups as French websites seem to be loaded with them
Irish Inshore Waters Information about Irish Inshore Waters
Met Office Inshore Forecasts Good for all sea areas in the United Kingdom and some parts of Northern France
Portland Bill Sailing Forecast 4 day Sailing forecast for Portland Bill
Sailing Forecasts Wind charts and Satelite Pictures for the UK and Europe
Weymouth Marine Forecast Good Clear Marine Forecast for Weymouth