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Dolphin Safety

10 November 2020

To ensure the safety and appropriate protection of these animals the MMO recommend that boat and vessel owners follow the Wildlife Safe (WiSe) scheme.

The scheme, which is a UK standard for commercial marine wildlife watching, includes a code of conduct and sets out best practice for wildlife watching. The code includes that boats should:

  • stay 100 metres away from the animals
  • avoid groups of mothers and young completely
  • switch engines into neutral if animals actively come over to boats

Animals must not be actively pursued when they move away, and where they bow ride alongside vessels, vessels should not increase their speed or change course. Animals must not be touched as this could be considered an offence.

If you see dolphins, porpoise or whales being disturbed, please contact your nearest MMO office or local police force wildlife crime officer on 101.

Dolphin Safety Poster