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Register your PWC with Personal Watercraft Partnership

16 July 2021

To operate a Personal Water Craft within Weymouth waters, your Datatag number must be registered with Personal Watercraft Partnership (PWP) as the current owner of the vessel.  PWP can be contacted on 0345 0700440, this number is manned 24 hours a day and 7 days per week. We always contact PWP to confirm that your Datatag number is registered and that the name and address matches their database. Without this confirmation, you will be denied access via our slipway. 

More and more slipways around the country are operating by the same rules as a measure to combat PWC theft and safety.  To find out more and to register, visit Personal Watercraft System (datatag.co.uk).

Benefits of being registered:

  • Datatag is a security system which protects your PWC and helps to identify it, should it be stolen.
  • Once registered, it is easy to change your details through the Datatag website Change of Keeper (datatag.co.uk)

Register now and avoid disappointment when you visit!